Wednesday 23 September 2009

Studying of other bands within our genre

The bands that i am looking at and deriving ideas from are 1) Vampire Weekend 2) The Wombats 3) The Arctic Monkeys

We like the ideas that these bands have included in their videos. Things like that they have totally random props and videos that either contradict the lyrics of have no relation with the lyrics at all. An example of this would be in the video, 'Vampire Weekend - Oxford Comma' where there are some really odd props in the background that have nothing to do with the song or the lyrics. Like cows in sheds and 40 children playing 'Cowboys and Indians'. We would like to include some things like this into our music video. Another example is from the video 'Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adolescent' where it shows clowns fighting against some blokes in leather jackets for a reason which is very unclear throughout.

I think that this type of video would go with our song and band image.

I have also realised that bands like these have videos with just them performing. So, the videos are either completely random or are just of the band playing. But the majority of them do not have any link with the lyrics at all.

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