Thursday 19 November 2009

Evaluation of progress and Ideas that have come through

As we have finished putting our final piece on the DVD i feel this will be a good time to evaluate the progress that we made through the project.
As a group i feel we worked well together and all coming up with very good ideas for our media project. I feel that we seemed very professional with our approach to study and came up with artistic ideas, especially with our front cover. The other day we finished producing our pictures for the front cover, in lay and back cover. Our one goal was to produce a video that looked like it hadn't been done by four teenage media students, therefore we had to make our artistic pictures look professional and fit with the personalities that are portrayed in the Animal House video.
Personally i was pleased with how the project has come out, looking at many other media projects i didn't want to make a video that seemed half hearted and unprofessional. 

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